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Copyright Policy

All published manuscripts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Our Copyright Policy aims to guarantee that original material is published simultaneously giving significant freedom to our authors. According to CPOTE conferences policy, there is no copyright transfer to the publisher and authors hold exclusive copyright to their work.

When submitting their manuscripts authors are required to accept the terms and conditions set forth in our Copyright Agreement as follows:

1. Definitions

Author(s) – researchers, scientists, engineers, technicians who contributed to the submitted abstract or article

Corresponding author – the author who submits the article through the conference system

Article - is understood as a detailed document of research activity written by the author(s) who did the research, common parts of research articles include:

  • Title and keywords with specialized terminology
  • Author(s) who are always identified with their credentials displayed
  • Sections
  • Abstract - short information containing the information what is in the article
  • Introduction that includes the problem, question(s), and research objectives
  • Literature review: a description of what other scholars have written about the problem
  • Methods or approaches
  • Results
  • Discussion and summary
  • Acknowledgments
  • References (literature with the credentials to other researchers from who the author took some information)
  • Article text describe and analyze the problem, experiment or study, with technical language or jargon understood by others in that field
  • Length of the article is defined by the editor (8-20 pages or a specific number of words)

Book of abstracts – all of abstracts submitted through the conference system which are accepted for oral or poster presentations for which the presentation will be given during the conference

Conference abstract - which is evaluated by Scientific Committee consists of following parts which should be contained in the same form in the final article (if applicable):

  • Title and keywords with specialized terminology
  • Author(s) who are always identified with their credentials displayed
  • Abstract - short information containing the information what is in the article
  • Acknowledgments
  • Lengthy and form of the abstract is defined separately by the Organizing committee
  • Not all conference abstracts need to have a full article submitted for evaluation by SC *
  • Conference abstract must be the results of the original work of the authors who submit the abstract

Conference proceedings - a collection of articles that meets the copyrights policy

Users – the researchers, scientists, engineers, technicians who perform their research based on the articles posted in the Conference Proceedings

2. Author's Retention of Rights

Organizing Committee of the CPOTE conference acknowledges and agrees that the Author(s) retain(s) the copyright to the work submitted for publication, and is/are allowed:

  1. to revise, reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, and publicly display the Article
  2. to republish the Work, as long as CPOTE conference proceedings are cited as the source of first publication of the Work
  3. to prepare derivative works from the Article
  4. to apply all other proprietary rights to the Work (such as patents); and
  5. to authorize others to make any use of the Article.

Authors and proceedings users are granted the right to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display the Work publicly, and to create and distribute derivative works in any medium and for any responsible purpose, as long as the Author receives credit as author, and the Journal in which the Article has been published is cited as the source of first publication of the Work. Authors themselves are responsible to verify if it is in line with the anti-plagiarism policy of a journal that the paper would be submitted to after the conference. The Organizing Committee reserves the right not to be held responsible for any failure in post conference publication caused by occurrence of plagiarism.

3. Permission to use

The author assigns to CPOTE conference all rights:

  1. to publish the Article in the ‘Proceedings’, in whole, by various means such as hard copy or electronic copy formats, and in any and all forms of media, now or hereafter known; and
  2. to publish the Abstract in the ‘Book of abstracts’, in whole, by various means such as hard copy or electronic copy formats, and in any and all forms of media, now or hereafter known; and
  3. to republish, distribute, promote, publicly perform, and publicly display the Work at any time and in all tasks related to CPOTE conference.

4. Author's responsibilities

CPOTE conference proceedings are shared with all conference participants. Therefore, the Scientific and Organizing Committee wants to ensure that Authors confirm that their Article meets the requirements, including provisions covering originality, authorship, author responsibilities and author misconduct. Therefore:

  1. the Author(s) should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication nor is under review for another refereed publication*
  2. Corresponding Author of the research carried out in collaboration with other scholars necessitates that all authors approve of submitting the Article.

Statements and opinions expressed in the Article are those of the Author(s) and not those of the editors or CPOTE Conference. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of the information contained in the published Article. Scientific and Organizing Committee of CPOTE Conference assumes no responsibility or liability for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained inside the Article.

5. General terms

By accepting the Copyright Agreement, the corresponding Author:

  1. warrants that he/she is the Author and has the power and authority to make and execute this assignment
  2. affirms that, for jointly authored Articles, he/she is empowered to accept this form on behalf of all authors
  3. warrants that the Article is original, has not previously been published and is not currently under consideration for publication by any other entity
  4. agrees to indemnify CPOTE Conference against all losses, costs and expenses (including legal costs and expenses) arising from claims made by other parties due to the exceptional circumstance that the author has breached any terms, conditions and/or warranties concerning the authorship of the chapter (the whole or parts of it), the rights to publish the chapter or the infringement of any third party’s rights.

If the Author has prepared the work as part of that his/her official duties as an employee or officer of a Government agency, public institution or company and has copyrights that belong to the Government agency, public institution, or company, CPOTE Conference agrees to accept their terms and conditions if they are not in conflict with CPOTE Conference’s Copyright Policy.

* If the Author wishes to make a presentation based on an already published work or on an article under review process, he/she is entitled to apply for the possibility of participation and presentation. The Author should submit an Abstract for evaluation. After positive review of the Abstract, the Author should not upload any article to the conference system but select the appropriate specific option in the 'add article' panel à 'the presentation will be made without uploading the article'. In this way, the Author will be allowed to make a presentation at the conference without publication in the conference proceedings. However, if the Author wishes to inform other conference participants about the origin of this publication, he/she should enter the references in the 'add article' panel à 'References for presentations without the conference article' in this way these references will be displayed under the specific abstract in the 'Book of Abstracts' on the conference website.